


Basic approach

Mitsuuroko Group has declared to society that it would give consideration to the global environment, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and enhance environmental preservation.
We have also advocated the need for ethics by stating in our corporate philosophy that we consistently conduct our business with integrity.
In the future, we will continue to contribute to the sustainable development of society as “a Lifestyle Producer” by striving for sincere management and business activities based on high ethical standards, always from the perspective of corporate social responsibility, as well as activities that take into consideration environmental preservation and resource saving.


Mitsuuroko Group Standard of Conduct

Mitsuuroko Group has established the “Charter of Corporate Ethics” as a code of conduct to be observed by the Company and its officers and employees in the course of the various corporate activities of the Group companies.
The officers and employees of each Group company take the initiative in practicing the normative behaviors set forth in the Charter of Corporate Ethics as their important role and are making utmost efforts to ensure that they are firmly established within the Group.
In addition, in the event of a conflict with this Charter of Ethics, officers and employees take responsibility for resolving the problem, investigating the cause, and improving operations to prevent recurrence.

Charter of Corporate Ethics

Comply with laws, regulations, and other social norms, and conduct fair and sound corporate activities

Mitsuuroko Group will conduct its corporate activities in accordance with laws and regulations, social norms, and social good sense.
In addition, Mitsuuroko Group will not associate with any individuals or groups that may adversely affect social order or the sound activities of the Company.

Provide safe and high-quality products and services

We will develop safe and high-quality products and services based on our rich experience and knowledge and provide them to consumers and business partners.

Respect the personality and individuality of employees and create a comfortable and fulfilling work environment

Mitsuuroko Group will value the independence and creativity of each and every employee and foster a corporate culture in which they are fully utilized in its corporate activities. Mitsuuroko Group will protect workplace safety and the health of its employees, respect human rights, and ensure a healthy work environment free from discrimination.

Respect the position of stakeholders

Mitsuuroko Group will strive to maintain sound and positive relationships with a wide range of society, including customers, business partners, employees, and shareholders.

Contribute to the preservation of the global environment and the creation of a prosperous and livable society

Mitsuuroko Group will be aware that it receives various benefits from the Earth, including the resources necessary for its business activities, and that it is the Group’s responsibility to preserve the global environment in a better state.


Compliance Handbook

Mitsuuroko Group publishes the “Compliance Handbook,” a combination of the “Charter of Corporate Ethics” and the “Code of Conduct Casebook,” which explains the code of conduct stipulated according to the Charter of Corporate Ethics in an easy-to-understand manner.
In order to enhance the understanding of the Charter of Corporate Ethics, we have sought to make it easier to comprehend the necessary actions needed to be taken by officers and employees by giving specific examples from daily life in understandable ways. For this reason, 50 of the 100 cases in the handbook have been converted into easy-to-read manga cartoons.

Compliance Handbook


Compliance reporting system

For the purpose of preventing and early detection of organizational or individual violations of laws and regulations, as well as fraudulent activities, we have established a “Compliance Hotline,” which includes Legal & Secretary, Internal Auditing of the Company, and an outside law firm.
In response to reports and consultations on violations from the Company employees, business partners, etc., we protect the informants, investigate the facts responsibly, and take corrective and recurrence prevention measures, as necessary.
The information on where to report to the Compliance Hotline is posted on the information security card that is carried by all employees at all times and is known and shared by all employees.


Compliance training

Mitsuuroko Group regularly conducts compliance training by rank and theme.

Content of training


Frequency of implementation

IT compliance training

All officers and employees Once a year

Group management
compliance training

Management Once a year

Training for supervising officers

Supervising officers Frequency of implementation

Group company accounting training

Accounting managers Frequency of implementation

New management training

Newly appointed managers Once a year

Training for managers in charge of safety

Managers in charge of safety Once a year

Group new employee training

New employees Once a year


Issuance of information security cards

For the purpose of responding quickly and minimizing damage in the event of loss of personal or internal information, we have issued an “information security card” that describes how to respond in the event of loss of documents or business equipment containing personal information, etc., as well as compliance-related matters, and we have all employees of the Group, including subcontractors, carry this with them at all times.

Issuance of information security cards


Implementation of education on compliance and harassment

We have produced an educational DVD on compliance based on case studies, and together with the DVD on harassment, we are conducting education on compliance by having all officers and employees of the Group watch it during the compliance small group activities that we have been conducting on a regular basis.
In addition, in order to continuously educate all employees of Mitsuuroko Group about compliance and to strengthen their awareness of compliance, we regularly distribute a “Compliance Newsletter” on the company intranet every week, featuring news of public interest and familiar examples.

Implementation of education on compliance and harassment