


Basic approach

As an infrastructure business operator that supplies energy and services related to everyday lifestyles, the Group considers cybersecurity an important issue in the fulfillment of our social responsibility and has positioned it as one of its key management issues.
Under the leadership of management, we ensure security in our customer service information systems, protect the information assets that have been entrusted to us, and promote stable supply of energy and security.
While transactions via the Internet and smartphones have increased with the rapid development of digital technology in recent years, cyber risk is also growing due to the advancement and sophistication of cyber attacks.
In light of changes in the environment such as the recent use of digital technology and increased threat of cyber attacks, we are working to strengthen cybersecurity measures within our various operations and businesses, such as the Energy Solutions, Power & Electricity, Foods, and Living & Wellness businesses.


Information security targets

To reduce cyber risk, we maintain defense in depth and detection measures, actively developing human resources in security measures and sharing information with other companies to improve our knowledge and expertise through working with external organizations that handle cybersecurity, as well as analyzing and responding to new cyber attack methods.
We will constantly endeavor to reinforce our approach to cybersecurity to provide safer and more secure services to our customers.


Cybersecurity response system

We have established the Risk Management Committee as a subordinate body of the Board of Directors as well as the Information Systems Department under the CTO / CIO. Through this framework, we manage the information security governance of the entire Group.
The Risk Management Committee and the Board of Directors receive reports on the status of the Group’s security measures on a regular basis.
Aiming to prevent cybersecurity incidents and minimize the damage or impact caused if they occur, each department and the subsidiaries that support the Group’s business work together to build an information security promotion system and ensure cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity response system


Practices to ensure cybersecurity

As initiatives to ensure cybersecurity, we secure the budget and human resources for technical countermeasures such as those for preventing the unauthorized access of systems. In addition, since IT measures alone are not sufficient to counter increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks, we conduct periodic e-learning training (once a year) and unannounced drills on countermeasures against suspicious e-mails for the Group’s officers and employees, including contract employees and the employees of business partners, working to strengthen the information security of the entire organization.


Strengthening the sharing of information with Group companies

To make sure that our security policy is applied to all Group companies, we monitor the status of security measures of each company of the Group while ensuring security tools and operations meet a certain standard, working to strengthen governance and improve security across the entire Group.